Back in the saddle, location surveying in Werribee South. / by Andrew Railton

Until today I had no idea that rural agricultural scenes such as these, could be found so close to Melbourne. I was on the hunt for more locations to use in the “Atonement’ series, and was given a tip off by a colleague to take a look at Werribee South. Boy was he right. While the property that he originally suggested I take a look at, was being renovated as I pulled up in my ute. However, a short chat there with the tradies doing the work, led me pretty quickly to a number of other gems. All in all I feel as though it was a productive day. Only time will tell if the property owners will be willing to allow me access to conduct a shoot. But the vibes felt good today from both the location and the people.

This is my stand out favorite from the day of location scouting. I sincerely hope I can manage to get permission to make this scene in to an oil painting. I just love the red dirt, matching the rusty patina on the sheds, the yellow highlights on the trees, and the vanishing point leading the eye to another farm house way in the distance. I can already see a couple of kids mucking about on the dirt, perhaps one on a bike, a car approaching on the road with dust rising and a dog watching he kids play.